Angus Wells

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The Penguin book of English short stories / Dolley Christopher Dolley Christopher Open University 1.- The Penguin book of English short stories ( ; ; ) [3117651 - PT247]
Geschichte 1860-1960
Penguin. Harmondsworth. 18 cm. 328 pages. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Idioma Inglés. edited by Christopher Dolley. [English short stories. ]. Penguin books 2617. Reprinted: 1967. Includes story by a New Zealand author. Contents The signalman / Charles Dickens -- The withered arm / Thomas Hardy -- An outpost of progress / Joseph Conrad -- At the end of the passage / Rudyard Kipling -- The country of the blind / H. G. Wells -- The force of circumstance / W. Somerset Maugham -- The dead / James Joyce -- Kew gardens / Virginia Woolf -- Fanny and Annie / D. H. Lawrence -- The voyage / Katherine Mansfield -- The breakout / Joyce Cary -- The Gioconda smile / Aldous Huxley -- The fly in the ointment / V. S. Pritchett -- Mr Loveday's little outing / Evelyn Waugh -- Across the bridge / Graham Greene -- Raspberry jam / Angus Wilson . 0140026177; 9780140026177; 0140032525; 97801400325 Si desea recoger personalmente este libro en la librería, solicítelo, por favor, con 6 horas de antelación.
Precio: 3.7 Incluir en el carrito
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