Arthur Mendel

1 libros encontrados.
Theories of life Darwin Mendel and beyond / Wallace Arthur 1.- Theories of life : Darwin, Mendel and beyond ( ) [3077940 - JR56]
Penguin. Harmondsworth. 20cm. 214p : ill. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Idioma Inglés. What is life and what are theories? -- A detachable basic biology course -- A scheme of how our theories should fit together -- The continuity of the germ plasm : Weismann's theory -- Evolutionary theory : Darwinian natural selection and alternative mechanisms -- Particulate inheritance : the insight of Mendel -- The central dogma of molecular biology -- The variable gene activity theory of cell differentation -- The missing theory of development -- Population regulations : an ecological theory -- Evolution of species and higher taxa -- Towards a unified theory? -- Attacks on biological theory : creationists and others -- What the future may hold . 0140226990 (pbk)
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