the leaves of southwell

nikolaus pevsner

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The Penguin dictionary of architecture / Fleming John Honour Hugh Pevsner Nikolaus 1.- The Penguin dictionary of architecture ( ; ; ) [3015788 - LF209]
Architecture, Dictionaries, Architectural design
Penguin Books. Harmondsworth. 20 cm. 432 p. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Idioma Inglés. John Fleming, Hugh Honour and Nikolaus Pevsner; illustrated by David Etherton. John Fleming, Hugh Honour and Nikolaus Pevsner ; drawings by David Etherton. Includes bibliographical references (p. 493-498). Penguin reference books R241. Penguin reference. 493-[498]). Previous ed. : 1980. Other version: The Penguin dictionary of architecture / John Fleming, Hugh Honour, Nikolaus Pevsner ; drawings by David Etherton. - 2nd ed. Local: ISBN: 9780140510133 (pbk. ). John Fleming, Hugh Honour and Nikolaus Pevsner. [Dictionary of architecture. ]. John Fleming, Hugh Honour, Nikolaus Pevsner ; drawings by David Etherton. [Dictionary of architecture ][Dictionary of architecture. ][Dictionary of architecture. Penguin reference books. Penguin reference books R13 . 0140512411 (pbk) Si desea recoger personalmente este libro en la librería, solicítelo, por favor, con 6 horas de antelación.
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